Friday, June 11, 2010


Early yesterday morning, Blake slowly crawled out of bed, swung into the shower, and hurried out the door to avoid missing his 7:00AM flight to Midland, Texas.

I slept in late, stretched my way out of bed, and calmly sipped on hot coffee until I felt ready to start my day.
Blake may have gotten to stay in a huge, comfy hotel bed last night, and I missed the steep slope he makes in the bed, causing me to slide into him sometime during the middle of the night, but...
...I enjoyed my day of being singular.

I wasted away the morning and afternoon by tying up loose ends in preparation for our trip we are taking in the upcoming future.
And yesterday evening? Well, let's just say it involved the following:
coffee ice cream
girly movie
a little red wine
homemade spaghetti sauce
the food network
snuggling with two pups

Nice, right?

Anyway, I spent a little time creating a template on my computer for packing during a trip...
I thought I'd share. 
You know, cause I'm thoughtful like that. 

I'm off, with computer in hand to start pulling out piles of clothes that I plan to pack...
Wish me luck!


  1. i spent a night like that recently. it's fun just to relax with the dog & a girly movie. great template!

  2. Love the template! Soon you will not be singular but part of a group of four... :)

  3. I aspire to be as organized as you. If I were going on a big trip such as yours, I just might be.

    Oh, and the girls night? Yes, very nice.
